About Us

Handmade Just for You

Hi! My name is Janet & I am owner and creator of Dainty Jade- also mama to 3 kiddos! It all started as a dream. A dream to create trendy, good quality jewelry that won't break the bank. I suffer from major mom guilty (raise your hand if you do too!) and I would scroll through Instagram seeing these super cute necklaces and rings, but once I saw the price tag, I looked away. Thinking to myself "Dang, I could by each one of my kids a pair of shoes for that one necklace!". So as I did some searching, I realized that there were not many jewelry business that offered great quality at a low price. Yes, you can purchase a similar necklace at a big retail store, but I bet you after 2 wears, it will turn color! So at the end of 2019 after playing around with the jewelry making idea for almost a whole year, I decided to launch Dainty Jade Designs! Now, I pride myself in having fashionable items that almost everyone could afford. If you are into accessorizing, you landed on the right page!